DirectX12,11 and other older version is an API (Application Programming Interface) develop by Microsoft which enhanced the graphical experience for Games and Multimedia application.
DirectX 12 is an excellent tool to improve the user as well as visual experience, the present version of the DirectX is 12. Windows 10 coming with Microsoft latest featres like Cortana, Xbon One game and all new operating system gaming API i.e DirectX 12.
Directx 12 Features:
- DirectX 12 comes with biggest changes to the 3D graphics portion called Direct3D. Direct3D offers a lower-level hardware abstraction.
- Reduction in Draw call overhead (delay between CPU and GPU to render something).
- Multi-Adapter : It allows games to use multi-graphics processor of different brand and speed and gives independent solution of existing like SLI and Crossfire.
How to Install Direct X 12 in Windows:
Download the Direct X from link and Run the DirectX setup.